Here's your weekly (ehh, not always weekly, sometimes I forget) installment of events going on around the airport.
*June Bug: June is here & Summer has arrived! I'm suddenly craving to be on the water or have sand between my toes... Unfortunately, the closest that I can get to those two things would be a dip in the water truck or walk around the tarmac barefoot and feel the urea underneath my toes. (I'll pass) With the days getting longer, harder, and hotter we are certainly feeling the arrival of summer around the airport. We are stocked up on water and Gatorade and the air conditioning is running full blast! (Except when I have to turn the AC off in my office because it's so loud and I'm so deaf)
*Playing Hooky: So much to the unhappiness of my crew, I cut out to Little Rock around 2 Saturday afternoon and just got back in the office around 8am this morning. My wonderful mother took hold of the reigns while I was out gallivanting in Little Rock... And by gallivanting I mean sleeping in, cleaning my house, laying out, working in the yard, and eating really great food! Gabe made a big dish of John Besh's homemade shrimp and grits on Sunday and we had a big group of friends over to eat on my patio! The food was fabulous and it was really great catching up with all our friends! Tuesday I had a great interview downtown that I'm very excited about and this morning I got up bright and early to head back down and whip this place back into shape.
*Loader Truck Love: When I left Saturday afternoon two of our loader trucks (The Hybrid & Red) were hanging on by a thread... Or perhaps a bolt. I'm not so good at the truck mechanic'in so I really don't know. Either way, they were both running hot, spewing oil, and were a danger to any driver. (Also, totally unreliable) So Sunday Matthew went and got a loader truck from Brandon Everette in Holly Grove to test drive. This baby is an automatic, has a stainless steel hopper, and purrs like a kitten! I'm pretty sure Shawn feels like he's driving a Caddy when he takes this sweet baby out on the strip!
*Wings of Flight: No, I'm not talking about airplane wings... I'm talking about Matthew's hair. He's getting pretty shaggy and if he doesn't get a hair cut soon I'm pretty sure those lovely Farrah Faucet wings billowing out from underneath his cap may take flight! I'll try to post a pic and squeeze him in for a hair cut soon!
*Busted: Well I'm not exactly sure anything has burst but I don't believe all the parts on our water lines are working correctly. Late this morning the water out of the faucets and in the toilets suddenly began to look like brown paint. Luckily, G.W. was on the case and things have begun to clear up now... Either way, I think I'm going to lean on the side of caution and bring bottled water to make the coffee in the morning!
*Baby On Board!: Looks like I get to be 'Aunt Kat' to another sweet little nugget!!! Matthew and Ashley are prego again and Ashtyn & Mary Grace are very excited about being big sisters. I've known since early last week and have been dying to spill the beans! They finally told my mom, Alexis, & Ashtyn on Sunday and now I get to share to exciting news with you! ... Will the old folk tale of "Crop Dusters Only Have Daughters" ring true once again or will they be blessed with a bouncing baby AufderHeide Boy?!?!?! Stay tuned to find out.....
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