Thursday, June 2, 2011

Have You Hugged a Crop Duster Lately

Cupcake and Brother Bear, my favorite crop dusters!

So obviously I'm a little late on this (and it's pretty pathetic given my affinity to make a celebration out of any and every holiday) but May 29th was INTERNATIONAL CROP DUSTER DAY!!!!

To all my favorite crop dusters (Matthew, Cupcake, Lonnie, & Brandon), crop dusters I kinda know or have at least heard of, (with the possible exemption of one) and all our crop dusting brothers across America and over seas, Thank you for your service, dedication and hard work. You are a major factor in the worlds' food supply. You aid farmers in producing a safe, affordable and abundant supply of food, fiber, and bio-fuel. Your work helps keep clothes on our back and food in our bellies. It seems without you we would be like the early days day of Adam and Eve; everyone running around naked and eating fruit!

Ok, Ok... So maybe I'm being a bit dramatic... But they really are a very important part of the agricultural industry and factor into many parts of our daily lives. I'm very blessed to work around a fabulous group of crop dusters and get to thank them daily for what they do.

If the International Crop Duster Day holiday slipped your mind too, perhaps next time you see a friendly crop duster in your area you should thank them, give them an "Atta Boy" & a hand shake, or perhaps the ol "Good Game" pat on the booty!!!... Or just give them a hug! (Crop Dusters love hugs) Either way, you'll be glad you did!

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