Interesting and Entertaining, day by day events at AufderHeide Flying Service.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Airport Aroma: Smells Like Money To Me
Frank Sinatra once said, "Fresh air makes me throw up. I can't handle it. I'd rather be around three Denobili cigars blowing in my face all night."...
There aren't very many cigars around the airport these days now that Fritz is gone, ( but if Sinatra was disgusted by clean air, he could certainly breathe comfortably around the AufderHeide Flying Service!
You see the smell of the airport is a very distinct, unique smell. I can vividly remember smelling this aroma even back in my childhood. The first recollection I have of this pungent smell dates back 0o my Pre-School and Kindergarten years at the First Baptist Church. The school only lasted from 8-11:30 and usually during the slow season my daddy would come pick me up on his way home to lunch. I can distinctly remember standing outside in my hot pink rain boots (that I wore without socks every day and didn't match any of my outfits) eagerly waiting for my daddy's big red truck to round the corner so I could go home to eat my lunch of *bacon & goldfish and play with my Barbies while watching Fraggle Rock... I really had a rough childhood... Ha
My father's dirty red truck, which only got washed probably once every two years, would leap to a halt right in front of my teacher and she would help me climb in.... Then that smell would hit me... No, not the inch thick dust on the dash, nor his tobacco spit in the cup-holder; much worse, it was the smell of AIRPORT!!! I would immediately gag and then cover my nose with whatever pink matching outfit my mother put me in that day. My daddy would just laugh and say, "Smells like money to me!" Yet, as a small (slightly dramatic child) I did not find this amusing. I would usually end up riding the two miles home with stuck out the window in protest.
I've wanted to write on the smell of the airport for awhile now, but it was not until I began to do laundry at my house in Little Rock this morning and got a big ol' whiff of "airport" that I actually felt motivated to share it with you. While you really need to experience the airport aroma for yourself, I believe the best way to explain the smell would be to describe it like this: The smell is sorta a combination of 1)50 years worth of dust 2)Jet Fuel 3)Musty, yet strong & highly concentrated chemicals 4)Zep 45 (some sort of mechanical lubricant that we buy by the case load) 5) Stale well-water 6) Old Books & Newspapers 7) Diesel 8)Old Grease; and last but certainly not least, the main component: 9)Airplane exhaust fumes...
How glorious does that sound all mixed up together? Are you taking deep breaths now in hopes that you'll catch the slightest whiff of the unique fragrance? Yeah, I figured so... You see thing the about the smell of airport is that not only is it extremely potent, but it also lingers for hours, days, and sometimes, like in the case of my car, weeks! And airplane exhaust fumes are the worst! They can make your eyes water in 10 seconds flat, immediately give you a headache, and if you happen to land directly in its path your hair will smell like these fumes for a minimum of two days!
My mother used to wash my daddy's work clothes completely separate from the rest of the family's for fear it would contaminate the rest of our close with the unfavorable scent. Sometimes I have to wash my load of work clothes twice just to get them smelly Downy Fresh again! If I don't wash my hair after working all day, it still smells like airport in the morning. And as for my car, after having the stench of the airport baked in during 10 hour, 100degree summer days, yeah, I just don't think there is any hope in having it smell somewhat close to normal ever again!
Now, with all my degrading and off-putting remarks about the airport aroma, the truth is I've actually come to really like it. I no longer cringe or dramatically hold my breath in protest. It reminds me of my daddy, my poppa, and my brother. It reminds me of all the life lessons I've learned, the characters I've met, and the fun that I've had at the airport. It reminds me of all the hard work that has been produced and provided for me and my family. While, I certainly won't be working on a patent to bottle this fragrance any time soon, I have certainly come to appreciated it... And in the words of my father, I too now believe it, Smells Like Money To Me!
* I ate bacon every day, all day for two years straight until it made me sick and I, as my parents liked to say, overdosed. I recently began eating pepper bacon about two years ago due to the encouragement of my boyfriend. So far we're reuniting beautifully!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
By the Hair of his Chinny Chin Chin
Matthew's chin hair and my thumb (obviously I'm not a professional)
Thank goodness Matthew got lazy over the weekend and forgot to shave his face, because it was just by the hair of his chinny chin chin that he made it back to the airport safely before the big storm came in this morning. For the record, I do not approve of this facial hair but I guess I'll let it slide today...
According to my app at 4:30 this morning (when I left Little Rock) there was only a 30% chance of rain today. When I got to the office around 6ish it said only 20%, which really depressed us all because we've been needing a rain badly for awhile. The entire state has pretty much needed a good rain.
Thankfully around 8:30 the skies began to darken and we began checking the radar for possible showers. The rain was just in Clarendon so we decided to keep on keepin' on with our fertilizer. However, the storm was approaching faster than we anticipated and while Matthew was putting out a load the skies grew darker, the wind blew faster, and you could see the beautiful blustery front moving towards the airport. (picture below)
I called Matthew and told him he should probably get back to the home base as soon as possible. He had a few more passes then said he would be back. The wind picked up to what G.W. said was about 30mph and I held my breath until I saw Matthew land. Thankfully the wind was straight out of the north and Matthew didn't have to land in a 30mph cross wind. He made a smooth landing and drove his sweet yellow bird into the hangar, right as the liquid sunshine began pouring from the sky. Whew. Rain, finally! Beautiful, blissful rain! Below are a few pics that Cupcake took from the air right as the storm was moving in to DeWitt.The guys are now grounded for the morning. They have already been out to grab a "pilot's breakfast" (whatever that means) at the Catfish Shack and now are back in my office bugging me. Their current conversation is plotting a yearly airport calendar equivalent to the yearly hot-body firemen calendars. So far we have thrown out the titles of "Air Tractors & Six Packs" and "Soft Landings, Hard Bodies" Hahaha! Ladies don't you want to pre-order yours already?!?! I'll be sure to keep you abreast of all the juicy details and if you see the guys around town be sure and tell them you're all for it!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
As The Prop Turns (Part 5)
Cupcake's "Guardian Angel" picture he took early this morning. Notice the little halo around his shadow! Super cool!
*Funky Ol' Fungicide* Fungicide season has begun ladies and gentleman! And while that may not have an affect on your day, it certainly does on the gang around the airport. We are mainly flying it on corn right now but just booked our first rice job for next Monday. This turn of events has tickled Matthew pink! Every time I tell him that a new fungicide job has come in he makes this high-pitched "WoooHooo!" sound and says, "Heck yeah, boi, ain't that just beautiful". It's quite hilarious to witness but it really puts him in a wonderful mood. I even find myself getting a little giddy when the words "Quilt" or "Headline" (fungicide chemicals) are spoken over the phone. Hey, whatever makes my pilot happy makes me happy. We really put the "FUN" in FUNgicide!
*AufderHeide Apparel* Wooty Woot Woot! AufderHeide Flying Service T-shirts and hats will be here next week! I know, I began working on this project like two months ago but then I kinda procrastinated and maybe even forgot about it a little too... But when we were going 100mph daylight until dark I sometimes forgot to wear my own shirt right-side-out much less actually take the time to design, order, & purchase 40 new ones! Any who, we are getting navy blue pocket tees and both fitted caps & mesh farmer hats; all with the new dazzling logo! (Ok, so, maybe I shouldn't describe anything a farmer wears as "dazzling" but more along the lines of "handsome" & "manly". Ha!) They should be here around Wednesday and I'm very excited about passing them out!
*Clean Shirt Club* Lonnie has really stepped up his game and exceeded expectations with his clean, hole-less shirt effort. Above you can see the brilliantly white Danica Patrick shirt he sported on Tuesday; not even a single hole nor the slightest hint of a wrinkle. He's supporting airport fashion, good hygiene, and women's empowerment... All trains that I can jump on! ... And for that, I shall crown Lonnie, DeWitt Municipal Airport - Employee of the week! Thanks Lonnie!
*G.W.'s Excellent Adventure* While I was on my girls getaway, G.W. was having his own little adventure. He flew out of DeWitt Municipal Aeropuerto last Wednesday and landed in Dallas to see his sister. From there they both drove up to Kansas to see their oldest sister and enjoyed a nice little family reunion. After a few days and a few hundred miles under his belt, G.W. has finally returned to the homestead. I'm pretty sure he's happy to be home and was even in an extra good mood this morning. Instead of humming his usual ditty or singing some old tune underneath his breath, he began belting out Merle Haggard's "Mama Tried". Since I'm a huge fan of all things "Old School Country", I thoroughly enjoyed this and even began to sing along a little... Bet ya didn't know we had such musical talents at the airport, now did ya!
*Berrylicious* I'm not really sure what happened but I just got sweet talked into buying an entire GALLON of blackberries over the phone by some older gentleman that referred to himself as "The Berry Man". Maybe I'm a sucker for smooth-talking granpa's or perhaps Matthew's jolliness has truly rubbed off on me and I'm wanting to give back to others... Either way, I am about to have a GALLON of blackberries so I better get to googling "blackberry recipes"!... Oh, and speaking of fresh, locally grown produce. If you are looking to give away any sweet corn sometime in the coming weeks, I would be happy to take a few sacks off your hands! I could probably eat on that sweet, buttery, & delicious vegetable for a year and be completely content! All donations appreciate! :)
Have a fabulous weekend everybody and thanks for reading our friendly flying blog!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Lowly Errand Girl
Alexis trying to beat me with my own book
Meet the AufderHeide Flying Service Errand Girl / my baby sister / genius of the family, Alexis Katherine AufderHeide. Alexis just completed her freshman year of ridiculously hard classes at the University of Arkansas and is now home for the summer.
Alexis is mine and Matthew's much younger, *adopted sister. She is 6 years younger than I am and really likes to play the "baby of the family" card. She loves to mind her manners and will make you say excuse me if you burp. She has probably read more books than you have. She couldn't win a 3rd grade spelling bee, yet she is a mathematical genius. She majored in engineering but has fallen so in love with numbers she wants to dedicate all her time to them by now becoming an accountant. She is quirky and somewhat unique; yet, incredibly kind to both friends and strangers and is always thinking how to make someones day better. She can't carry a tune in a bucket but she is witty and is starting to adopt my sense of humor. John Wayne is the man of her dreams. (For real)
So, what is Alexis actually doing for the summer, you ask? Well, good question. I'm not really sure...
A few months back she received a summons for jury duty, so when she first came home she was telling everyone she had jury duty for the summer. I had to politely sit her down and explain to her that jury duty wasn't an actual "job" and if in the off chance she actually was called to duty it would probably only pay about $10 a day... She still waiting for the phone to ring.
Her second "job" after jury duty would, I guess, be that of student. She has an online World Civ class that she has the entire summer to complete and a basic speech class at the local community college. Now while, both of these classes could possibly be difficult in their own right, I don't believe they constitute taking up a full summer. Alexis gave a speech Monday on how to make a watermelon fruit basket. I mean, come on, this ain't rocket science. (I say that lovingly because I'm pretty sure she took Intro to Rocket Science this past year.) She's brilliant and it definitely shouldn't take her all day and night to exam the fall of the Roman Empire or craft a 3 minute informative speech on the the Pythagorean Theorem. (She LOVES the Pythagorean Theorem and recites it often to annoy me)
So while insisting that she will be called for jury duty any day, demanding time to practice her oratory skills, and my mother being content that Matthew & I are the work horses in the family, the only option left for employment is Errand Girl at AufderHeide Flying Service. Actually, Errand Girl may even be a glorified title. I would like to think that someone who obtains this position would be at my beck & call ever instant of the day. The employee would be in charge of grabbing lunch, picking up parts at the part shop, getting fuel when necessary, running to check if a strip was dry enough, heck, she might even offer the cover the phones for a little bit while I indulge in some much needed R & R. Ha, yeah, right.
Alexis likes to sleep in until 10:30ish. Then she'll spend the next few hours reading, playing on facebook or googling mathematical formulas. Around lunch time do you think she calls to see if we need dinner or what I would like her to cook for me? No way, Hosea. Yesterday, I cooked her lunch and the only errand she performed was dropping off a single letter at the post office. (livin' on Easy Street) One time I gave her two empty red fuel cans and asked her to go fill them up with gas for the loader truck. When she got to the gas station she didn't remember if I said gas or diesel so she came back to the airport. I again told her gas and she was back on her way. By the second time she arrived she had once again forgotten my orders and came back with one can of diesel and one can of gasoline. I kid you not! The girl that likes integrating mathematical formulas for fun can't remember if her mentor told her to purchase gal or diesel! Geeze.
Also, apparently she thinks that this "Errand Girl" gig and the fact that she worked out here a few days one summer hopping wings has made her an expert in all things crop dusting related. ("Hopping a wing" is an old school maneuver where workers used to have to assist in packing fertilizer to the front of the airplane hopper by the force of their arm... This technique, like most of the manufacturing industry, has since been replaced by a little machine that does the job for them) Anywho, in this speech class, Alexis had to write down six topics she would be willing and comfortable to discuss for a 5 minute impromptu speech. The first subject she listed?... crop dusting! I got quite tickled when she told me this but she vehemently defended her decision and informed me she knew everything there is to know! ... Man, I sure hope the teacher picks this topic... And that someone in the room is recording it!
In all honesty though, the Lowly Errand girl has been quite helpful at times. She has brought me several Diet Cokes, right before my body lapsed into a coma from lack of caffeine. She has herded my wild dogs and taken them home with her during extremely busy days around the airport. She has fulfilled her duties as lunch lady a few times (bringing us lunch, not actually cooking). She has reminded me on several occasions that it is sometimes best to keep my mouth shut. She listens to me whine, she tells me funny stories, and makes me laugh every day. And although she makes for a pretty lousy errand girl, I'm incredibly lucky that she is my sister!
*Side Note* This post was created after my sneaky little sister stole and beat (yes, beat) me with my new Chelsea Handler book. Then she hacked into my facebook account and made my status say something like, "I think Alexis AufderHeide is the queen of the world and master of the universe."... Ha! Look who got the last laugh now sissy!
*Alexis is not actually adopted... She obviously gets her beauty from her sister!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Upchuck Alex & His Adventure With Roxy Red
While I have already mastered the art of keeping my cookies until the plane lands and I'm out of sight of all the boys (, my colleague, Alex is not quite so skilled...
Last Friday, Heath took Alex Flying in little Rocky Red. (Heath's two-seater Citabria that he loves almost as much as his momma) Now, this was not Alex's first time in a plane. He has flown in a plane with his crop duster cousin a few times and has rode with Cupcake in Roxy Red once before. Unfortunately, last Friday all the forces of nature were against him.
It was incredibly hot and uncomfortably bumpy, not a good combo for a small aircraft. They had flown over the river and were headed to go look for gators around Lodges Corner when he began feeling slightly queasy. Perhaps it was the altitude or quite possibly the two cans of Beenie Weenies he had eaten for lunch; either way, his little tummy was beginning to reject it all.
Now Cupcake loves this little plane more than most his women and just in case there is ever a chance of someone getting sick in his baby (and he's had a few close calls) he's outfitted his aircraft with puke sacks. (or "Convenience Bags") They sit in the back pocket of the pilot's seat, right in front of the passenger's face for easy grab convenience... Alex didn't have time to warn Cupcake of his upcoming upchuck, he just yanked the sack out of the pocket and ripped it open. Problem is, when he frantically ripped it open, he accidentally (and unknowingly) ripped the bottom part of the sack. Too late...
Well, I imagine you know what happened next... I'll try to spare you the graphic details, but when Alex lifted the sack up to his face most of his projectile landed in his lap. It all went straight through the little puke bag and onto his pants. Cupcake made a beeline for the airport and Alex tried to sit there as still as possible; praying that no more of his "fluids" spilled into the floor.
Once on the ground Junior apologized profusely and promised to clean ever inch of the the plane. Cupcake wasn't mad but did say he was going to have to tell everyone at the airport for his punishment. So Alex showered, put on a new change of clothes, and got out his professional car cleaning kit. (Alex is somewhat obsessive compulsive about the cleanliness of his car and owns every product Armoral ever invented.) He cleaned ol' Roxy Red inside and out and had her shining like the star that she is. Cupcake, although somewhat grossed out, was pleased with Alex's work and glad Roxy was clean (and smell free) again!
Alex's adventure has been the tale around the flying service these past few days. The guys all joke in good fun. Most of them have one story or another about themselves or someone they know tossing their cookies so that usually leads to hilarious conversations. And Alex, well, he just brushes it off and blames it on the conditions... All in all, he now has a new nickname out of the ordeal...besides Junior, he is now... Upchuck Alex!
Beach Bums
So while you were chained to your desk and being a slave to the man last Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, my friend Whitney and I were being slaves to the sun in Perdido Key, Florida!
Whitney and I first met about two months before college. We both were both assigned roommates we didn't know at ASU and met through a mutual friend in Stuttgart that told us we should room together. We both agreed that something somewhat familiar would be much better than the unknown, so we changed our housing contracts and got a room together. The first time we met, we instantly clicked. People thought we had been lifetime best friends. We had the same thoughts, same tastes, and could pretty much finish each others sentences. I would clean the dorm head to toe and she would do all our laundry. She would do my eye make-up and I would do her lips. We would advise each other on fashion and boys. We rarely studied but could throw an awesome dorm pre-party. ( We had a rousing rendition of Dolly Parton's "Why'd Ya Come In Here Lookin' Like That") Some thought we were sisters while others probably thought we were slightly crazy. Either way, we made a terrific team!
After our sophomore year Whitney moved to Arizona to go to Interior Design School. After graduation in 2009 she moved back to Little Rock and we rekindled our friendship right where we left off. We went out for drinks, had grilling parties on my patio, went on several hilarious camping adventures, and I even introduced her to her current boyfriend, Gabe's best friend Dallas. We were once again inseparable.
Alas, in the Spring of 2010, Whitney got a big girl job at a design firm in Atlanta. She and Dallas both moved and although I have seen her a few times since, nothing was as good as this past weekend on the beach! We had been discussing a girls weekend for awhile but, after my past few months of working daylight till dark and her grueling work/travel schedule, we decided a few weeks ago that a weekend on the beach was a must!
We arrived in Perdido Key around 1:30, did our Wally World shopping, checked in the condo and headed to the beach. I cooked a delicious shrimp and pasta dinner, which we ate on our balcony, and spent the evening catching up and laughing. Thursday and Friday we got to the beach early and pretty much stayed there until the sun went down. We talked each other's ear off, drank mimosas, read fashion magazines, napped, and enjoyed the the sun, sand, & girlfriend therapy... We also got slight burned! (Ouch) While we were only there a few days I think our girly vacay did the trick. We went away both relaxed and rejuvenated! ... I've also discovered that if the whole "career" thing doesn't work out, I'm pretty sure I'd like to apply for the job of Specialized Beach Bum!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Actions Speak Louder Than Facial Hair
Sometimes I feel my role here at the flying service isn't just that of Office Manager, Secretary, Scheduler, & Substitute Loader Truck Driver; but also a mentor, listener ,and good advice giver...
I noticed something different about Junior (Alex) Monday morning but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until he came in my office and asked what I thought about his smooth, shaved face! "That's it! I knew there was something different", I thought to myself but then I casually commented, "Why, yes, I did notice that. You look very nice." (I think little white lies like that are ok, if they are meant to keep an employee happy.)
Alex and I have had several discussions regarding facial over the past few weeks... Honestly, I'm not really a fan of facial hair myself. I like a good manly winter beard but other than that I usually just find that it's somewhat off-putting. Mustaches kinda give me the creeps. (I think that Burt Reynolds is probably the only guy that can really put off a mustache) Goatee's look awkward on most men and I think fu manchu's are just plain silly looking. Of course these are just my opinions and some chicks really dig it. And some guys (Garth Brooks) can really rock it.
However, I think dudes really take pride in their facial hair. They grow it, groom it, and gallantly show it off every day. Perhaps it's a right of passage into manhood. For Junior, he likes to think that it makes him look older and more mature. My response to that... "Actions Speak Louder Than Facial Hair, Junior." Just because it may make you look older doesn't mean that you are actually acting older.
All the boys got a real kick out of that. It quickly became our quote du'jour and it is now written on a sticky note on the fridge. Hope you will enjoy it as well!
I noticed something different about Junior (Alex) Monday morning but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until he came in my office and asked what I thought about his smooth, shaved face! "That's it! I knew there was something different", I thought to myself but then I casually commented, "Why, yes, I did notice that. You look very nice." (I think little white lies like that are ok, if they are meant to keep an employee happy.)
Alex and I have had several discussions regarding facial over the past few weeks... Honestly, I'm not really a fan of facial hair myself. I like a good manly winter beard but other than that I usually just find that it's somewhat off-putting. Mustaches kinda give me the creeps. (I think that Burt Reynolds is probably the only guy that can really put off a mustache) Goatee's look awkward on most men and I think fu manchu's are just plain silly looking. Of course these are just my opinions and some chicks really dig it. And some guys (Garth Brooks) can really rock it.
However, I think dudes really take pride in their facial hair. They grow it, groom it, and gallantly show it off every day. Perhaps it's a right of passage into manhood. For Junior, he likes to think that it makes him look older and more mature. My response to that... "Actions Speak Louder Than Facial Hair, Junior." Just because it may make you look older doesn't mean that you are actually acting older.
All the boys got a real kick out of that. It quickly became our quote du'jour and it is now written on a sticky note on the fridge. Hope you will enjoy it as well!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Out With The Old, In With The New
Our former work horses, The Hybrid & Big Red, now put out to pasture!
Marvel of Modern Machinery... Ain't She a Beaut!
Meet the newest fined tuned piece of equipment at AufderHeide Flying Service. Or as Matthew called it, our "marvel of modern machinery". Haha. The new loader truck was purchased by the big boss/my mama from E & M Flying Service (Brandon Everette's) last Saturday and we are all just overjoyed!
This lean, mean loading machine is an automatic International truck with a stainless steel hopper and a push button auger. She's equipped with a radio & a great air-conditioning system, and according to Shawn, runs like Triple Crown racehorse. We're talkin' top of the line, major fancy shmancy!!!.. We haven't named the new truck yet but we are all just ecstatic about it's future here!
The necessary purchase of the fabulous new truck was based upon the demise of our two former work horses / trucks, The Hybrid (Remember her: and Big Red. Big Red was great while she lasted but was on her last legs this year. Until about two weeks ago she was chugging along pretty good, but after a long, hard run her engine finally went kaput and in the end she was spewing oil like crazy. In our hearts she will always be special though; she was our first loader truck with air conditioning!
... The Hybrid, on the other hand, was never exactly the picture of perfection... Her first life as a U-Haul couldn't have been easy. New people renting her every other week, loading her up with all their belongings, and driving her like a race car across the country, probably wasn't easy on her. Then the big orange and white lady was purchased by my papa, chopped in half, and crafted into what I believe is one of the most awkward looking trucks in history. Half U-Haul, Half Loader Truck, 100% Hybrid. The Hybrid was a unique, hard working truck and although she caused us a lot of headaches, (me pull-starting it on the side of a busy highway) I'm kinda sad to take her out of the line up...
Our two wearied trucks now sit lifeless on the back part of the tarmac behind the dumpsters. I'm not sure if we will try to sell them for parts or if they will sit there collecting rust for a little while until maybe Matthew gets a wild hair and perhaps decides to put a new engine in one of them... He'll probably just get rid of them but I guess we'll both just have to stay tuned to see what happens next!... Until your fate is decided, rest in pieces Big Red & The Hybrid. Thanks for the crazy memories.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
As The Prop Turns (Part 4)
Matthew & G.W. probably discussing the Pythagorean Theorem or perhaps Total World Domination
*Luscious Lips Lonnie - Tuesday Lonnie had a serious reaction to something, we don't know what, and his entire body swole up like a blimp. He flew that morning but when he got out of the airplane his face was so swollen it was starting to affect his vision and he was having a little bit of trouble breathing. Shannon immediately sent him to the doctor and he got some sort of shot to fight off the allergy and remove the swelling. Well, most of the swelling... I saw him later that afternoon and his lips still looked like he had a few too many lip injections. They were full, pouty, and plump, sort of like a modern day Goldie Hawn!... Lonnie would have made for a lovely movie star. (All right Mr. Demille, I'm ready for my close-up) Haha They've gone down now but they were sure gorgeous while they lasted.
*Only YOU Can Prevent Forrest Fires - Tuesday we had quite a scare when a farmer was burning off a wheat field by the airport and the wind suddenly changed... The fiery flames switched their paths and suddenly headed straight for the Fuel Farm. (Airport's public for-purchase fuel tank) The hired hands quickly came around with tractors and water, and after awhile put it all out. Thankfully G.W. wasn't out here... Im afraid if he was, he would've had a mild heart attack... That Fuel Farm is like his baby! ... Please let this be a reminder to not play with matches and/or pay attention to the wind when burning off a giant field!
*Beach Babes - Early next Thursday morning I'll be cutting out of Arkansas County and heading to the beach. My best friend / college roommate Whitney, who now lives in Atlanta, and I are meeting in Perdido Key to have a little girls weekend reunion! We haven't seen each other since February and we have both been working our little booties off these past few months so this is going to be a much needed vacay. Our plans include sleeping, reading & laying out on the beach all day, throwing seashells at birds and small children and then heading back to the condo to drink wine and cook dinner... Doesn't that sound like the perfect vacation?!?! I can't wait!!!
*Over the Hump - Yes, I know we have already passed Wednesday, but I'm not talking about over the hump in the week... I'm talking about over the hump in fertilizer season!!!!! I believe after we finished last Saturday evening we finally got over the "hump" or the largest/busiest part of the season. Of course we will still have busy days and there is still a good bit a spraying and fertilizer to do, but the days of hundreds of thousands of pounds on the books are over!!! Hallelujah!! I think everyone around the 'port doesn't really know what to do with themselves; yet, we are taking a huge sigh of relief!
*Grill Masters - Now that we are over the proverbial hump the guys have started firing up the grills... Now all men love to grill, I guess it's a right of passage to their manhood, and that's ok with me because I love to eat! Yesterday, Junior grilled some hamburgers & dogs during lunch and last night Cupcake cooked a fabulous meal of grilled pork chops, asparagus, boudin, & potatoes. Today, Matthew's next up in line and will be cooking hamburgers and french fries. Keep it comin' boys and if you're hungry stop on by!
*Working on our Fitness - While this is nothing new, I have gotten out of the routine in the past -extremely busy- month. In Little Rock I had a running group, a running partner (love ya Jen), & a running course overlooking the river, but here I just have the dogs and the runway. I was in a good routine at first, running at least 3 times a week, but then we became busier than a beehive and I was pretty much chained to my desk from 5:15-8:30. (Speaking of chained to my desk, I think that's what Matthew might try if I get a new job!) So now with the motivation that I'm going to be on the beach for 3 days in one week and just caring about my general health, I'm back in the saddle... err, my Asics, again! If you happen to fly into the airport and see a tall blond running down the runway, please try to dodge me!... Being bulldozed by an airplane would really throw a kink in my exercising plans!
*Ya Can't Keep the Bull Down - David Bullock was able to come home from the hospital Monday. Thanks to all your prayers David is much better. He hasn't returned to the airport full-time yet but he has made a few appearances and I'm sure he is being as bossy and as charismatic ever... I guess it's just like Shannon said, "You can't keep The Bull down"!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Me and Mini Me
Takin' Care of Business
Meet my sweet little mini me, Miss Ashtyn Beck! This is Matthew and Ashley's 10 year old daughter who just finished 4th Grade at DeWitt Elementary yesterday.
So as of right now Miss Ashtyn is going to be an honorary member of Team AufderHeide Flying. I have taken her under my wing and I'm thinking about making her my protege... The future "Office Manager / Crop Dusting Secretary" of AufderHeide Flying Service! My Mini Me!!!
Mini Me is good with a calculator and does an amazing job at alphabetizing chemical slips! (She's actually working on them right now) She is a fantastic doggy sitter. She's a sharp-shooter when it comes to swatting flies. She is a skilled golf car driver... Or at least she hasn't thrown me off or crashed yet.. She cools the guys with her mister fan when they're hot. She's a great note taker. And best of all... She pretty much does whatever I ask! No back talk like the guys or anything! She just smiles and then goes about doing her task! This is great, my Mini Me is awesome!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Canada Ain't Got Nothing on Us
Who wouldn't want to watch these three studly hunks on the big screen
As I wrote about previously in "Paging Hollywood" ( I really think that our daily little crop dusting life here at DeWitt Municipal Airport would make for some great reality tv... But I also mentioned that we would probably pass... Well, it looks like somebody stole my idea... And even worse! They're from Canada!
Last week the e-Edition of AgAir Update provided us with all the details: "A new reality TV series on ag aviation called "Dust Up" will premier on History Television in Canada June 2nd. Episodes will run for 3 weeks with two 1/2 hour episodes each week. The series will not be carried in the U.S. but will available at after June 2nd." You can also watch the trailer here:
Why in the world does anyone want to watch crop dusters from Canada?!?! Well I'm not exactly sure but here are the following reasons that we shan't be watching 1) Canadian crop dusters talk with funny Yankee accents (they say "out" and "bout" strangely) and pretty much anything that comes out of their mouth sounds like Sarah Palin. 2) In the preview they keep talking about how scary, frightening, and dangerous crop dusting is... All the real crop dusters I know don't really even mention it. They don't like to brag. (About their jobs anyways, their money & hot bodies may be a different story! ha) They certainly know the risk but don't like gloating about it. 3) They don't have single yellow airplane. (weirdos) 4) Apparently they do have a one chick on the show, but she is not cute and doesn't seem to know what she is talking about. 5) They don't have anyone close to the ruggedly handsome men I get to work with each and everyday! Those Canadians seem to have a bunch of facial hair and wear a lot of black; I'm not a fan of facial hair... Like I told the guys at the mixing tank this morning, "If I can take the time everyday to shave my legs, you can certainly take a little time and shave your face." 6) Lastly, they certainly don't seem to have the camaraderie we have here at the DeWitt Municipal Airport. Sure we work long, hard hours and sometimes we get busy and frustrated and yell when we get flustered, but at the end of the day (and like most of my stories illustrate) we're all good friends, we care about one another, and congratulate each other on a job well done!... Like Cupcake said last week, "Canada Ain't Got Nothing On Us!"
Why in the world does anyone want to watch crop dusters from Canada?!?! Well I'm not exactly sure but here are the following reasons that we shan't be watching 1) Canadian crop dusters talk with funny Yankee accents (they say "out" and "bout" strangely) and pretty much anything that comes out of their mouth sounds like Sarah Palin. 2) In the preview they keep talking about how scary, frightening, and dangerous crop dusting is... All the real crop dusters I know don't really even mention it. They don't like to brag. (About their jobs anyways, their money & hot bodies may be a different story! ha) They certainly know the risk but don't like gloating about it. 3) They don't have single yellow airplane. (weirdos) 4) Apparently they do have a one chick on the show, but she is not cute and doesn't seem to know what she is talking about. 5) They don't have anyone close to the ruggedly handsome men I get to work with each and everyday! Those Canadians seem to have a bunch of facial hair and wear a lot of black; I'm not a fan of facial hair... Like I told the guys at the mixing tank this morning, "If I can take the time everyday to shave my legs, you can certainly take a little time and shave your face." 6) Lastly, they certainly don't seem to have the camaraderie we have here at the DeWitt Municipal Airport. Sure we work long, hard hours and sometimes we get busy and frustrated and yell when we get flustered, but at the end of the day (and like most of my stories illustrate) we're all good friends, we care about one another, and congratulate each other on a job well done!... Like Cupcake said last week, "Canada Ain't Got Nothing On Us!"
The pictures above were taken late last Saturday afternoon after a brutal and backbreaking week. Lonnie had worked hard for us all day to help us finish up and I rewarded all three guys with a cooler full of cold ones! The top pic was a candid shot I got of Lonnie explaining to the young boys how to get rock hard abs just like his. And the bottom one of us was our celebratory pic for closing out the week! Aren't I a lucky gal!
It's a Man's World, I Just Work In It

Airplanes, Grease, Tractors, Diesel Trucks, Chemicals, Radiators, Tail Wheels, Jump-Starting Diesel Trucks, What Size Container Facet Comes In and The Current Price of Jet A... What are things girls shouldn't have a clue about, Alex? Ding! Ding! Ding! That's right, we have a winner!
It's no secret that I'm surrounded by boys pretty much my entire day but I guess it just recently hit me that they are EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!!!! Brother Bear, Shawn, Junior, G.W., Cupcake, Lonnie, Turbo, Woodrow, Kramer, Canine, Robert (the mechanic), David Bullock, Bullock's ground crew (including Rickey Bobby), Farmers, Auger Truck Drivers, Chemical Delivery Men, Field Scouts, Fuel Truck Drivers (mullet man), and even the UPS Man is a dude! They are crawling all over this place!
Seriously, sometimes the only chick that I actually see and communicate with for days on end is my mother. Work from 5:15-8:45 doesn't really allow for much else. I do get to have some verbal communication with other gals in the industry (Nikki Pippinger, Shannon Bullock, Regail Moritz, Sonya or Tonya at CPS in Almyra, and the chick that is always angry in Altheimer, but I don't really count her) although it's very limited. However, some days it can help to save what's left of my sanity... Nikki told me a special secret to the fertilizer world (a ton weighs 2,000lbs) and Shannon made some fabulous Ooey Gooey Heath Bar Cake! Thanks Girls!
Then there's the dudes... Oh the dudes... While working with a bunch of guys can't be totally comical, educational, confusing, frustrating, exhausting, hilarious, and eventful; it can also be very insightful. Ya see, no matter how rough, tough, and rugged most men want to act they almost always know how to mind their manners in front of a lady.
They apologize when they use curse word or expletives, even Rickey Bobby! They are always courteous and offer me snacks, soda, beer, or a chew of tobacco. (Thanks, but no thanks) They ask me how my days going. They ask my opinion. They seek my advice on lady friends and even sometimes take it! The best is when they start the conversation out by saying, "So you're a girl... what do you think about this?"... Why yes, yes I am a girl. Thanks for noticing!
Then other times they like to think of me as one of the guys. They talk about their bodily functions, scratch themselves in inappropriate places, tell raunchy jokes and sometimes tell me too much information. (T.M.I) I guess Cupcake said it best last Friday when he said, and I quote, "If you wanna hang out around men you're just gonna have to hear manly things." Hahaha
But at the end of the day, I think they really do have a lot of respect for me. Whether it's because I keep the same long hours they do, they see how hard I work, or because I keep them in line and let them have fun at the same time, I'm not really sure... I guess when you boil it all down I like to think I'm the brains and they are the brawn and together we make a beautiful team!... It may be a man's world but at least I get to control a little bit of it!
I like to think that James Brown got it right when he sang: "This is a man's world, But it wouldn't be nothing; nothing without a woman or a girl" ~Thank you Mr. Brown
**I wanted to title this post after my favorite chapter in Tina Fey's Bossypants book, "Peeing in Cups with Boys" but I didn't because I thought it might give my mom a heart attack. (She still makes everyone around her say, "Go to the bathroom" or "Tinkle" because the actual word "Pee" is horrifying to her.) Anyways in that chapter she talks about being one of the few women writers in comedy and having to deal men, who actually pee in cups & leave them around the office. The guys around the airport don't do that thankfully; however, workers from other flying services that use the airport to do fertilize jobs do "tinkle" out in the wide open and it's very unbecoming... (Yes, workers, I can see you. Just because you go to the other side of the loader truck doesn't mean you are camouflaged!)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Prayers for The Bull

David is currently being treated by UAMS in Little Rock. His father, Billy Paul, was in my office a little bit ago and reported that David woke up talking this morning and has regained some movement in his right side. While this is wonderful news and a big step in the right direction there is still a long road ahead of him. Please continue to pray for David, Shannon, their family and the team of doctors that are working around the clock.
The Bull is best known around the airport for his extremely hard work ethic (even after he couldn't fly this year he worked around the clock mixing chemicals and working on planes), starting the brightly colored PFG shirt trend, (I discussed this in "Easy, Breezy, Beautiful"), his booming loud voice (if he's in his hangar & I'm in ours I can hear every word he says even across the tarmac), and his larger than life, charismatic personality! (if you know The Bull you know what I'm talking about, his personality instantly fills the room when he walks in.) We are praying for a safe and speedy recovery and hope to see him back at the DeWitt Municipal Airport soon!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Meet my Lawyer

Lana grew up in the big city of Augusta, Arkansas (not Georgia) and went to school in the bubble that is Harding Academy. We met in college when she was a freshman and I was a sophomore. We were neighbors in the dorm and since mine and my roommate Whitney's room had the only bathtub on the 4th floor (we were high class) she instantly wanted to become my friend so she could take bubble baths and shave her legs. She was pretty cool and had a lot to learn about college life so I took her under my wing and showed her the ropes. (I also let her shave her legs in my tub)
We discovered we had a lot of things in common such as: Our love for trailer parks, naps, backroading, wife beaters, being the boss, road trips, theme parties on random nights of the week, card games, being lazy by a large body of water, Golden Girls, pizza rolls, and all things George Strait & Garth Brooks related. Our friendship blossomed and most of my favorite college memories include her! Only she could make me learn to walk on stilts & dress up as a clown in front of the entire campus! (I hate clowns. They terrify me. See, I told you she was bossy)
While we are alot alike there are a few areas in which we differ 1) Lana has no clue about politics, and she took a quiz online that said she may be a Republican 2) Lana is extremely paranoid about any and all things. She can take any situation and turn it in to your worse nightmare. Say we are planning a girls weekend to the lake. Well in her mind she is thinking, "what if Kat drives too fast, what if we have a wreck going around the curve, what if the boat has a hole in it and it sinks, and what if the people that come save us are Mexican drug lords". And no, I'm not exaggerating. But, I guess it's a good thing. I am the complete opposite and still have to be reminded to do things like lock my doors and don't walk the dogs at night by myself. In a way maybe she is like me, thinking one step ahead. Or like a carpenter building stairs... :) 3) Lastly, Lana is a genius. She was valedictorian at Harding Academy, had a full ride to ASU, pretty much had a 4.0 her entire time there and was accepted into law school at U of A with flying colors!
Now, after three years of a rigorous study schedule and grueling all-nighters, Lana Lucille Flowers has graduated with her Juris Doctorate from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. She takes the bar exam in May and then will be ready to uphold and enforce the laws of this great land! She will also be handling any and all of my legal battles, so don't mess with me... I have a really smart lawyer!
Thank you AufderHeide Flying readers for allowing me this point of personal privilege (that's lawyer talk there) and if you're friends with Lana on Facebook be sure to tell her Congrats! Oh and Lan, please allow this adoring blog post to serve as your graduation present until I buy you an actual present approximately 3 months from now!
-The picture above is of Lan and her daddy, Big Mike on graduation day. He, Lan, & I share the same dream of growing old on a secluded cabin by the lake and writing country music. He and her mom Deb are very proud of her and also excited they will no longer be financially responsible for her well being!
Have You Hugged a Crop Duster Lately
So obviously I'm a little late on this (and it's pretty pathetic given my affinity to make a celebration out of any and every holiday) but May 29th was INTERNATIONAL CROP DUSTER DAY!!!!
To all my favorite crop dusters (Matthew, Cupcake, Lonnie, & Brandon), crop dusters I kinda know or have at least heard of, (with the possible exemption of one) and all our crop dusting brothers across America and over seas, Thank you for your service, dedication and hard work. You are a major factor in the worlds' food supply. You aid farmers in producing a safe, affordable and abundant supply of food, fiber, and bio-fuel. Your work helps keep clothes on our back and food in our bellies. It seems without you we would be like the early days day of Adam and Eve; everyone running around naked and eating fruit!
Ok, Ok... So maybe I'm being a bit dramatic... But they really are a very important part of the agricultural industry and factor into many parts of our daily lives. I'm very blessed to work around a fabulous group of crop dusters and get to thank them daily for what they do.
If the International Crop Duster Day holiday slipped your mind too, perhaps next time you see a friendly crop duster in your area you should thank them, give them an "Atta Boy" & a hand shake, or perhaps the ol "Good Game" pat on the booty!!!... Or just give them a hug! (Crop Dusters love hugs) Either way, you'll be glad you did!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
As the Prop Turns (Part 3)

Here's your weekly (ehh, not always weekly, sometimes I forget) installment of events going on around the airport.
*June Bug: June is here & Summer has arrived! I'm suddenly craving to be on the water or have sand between my toes... Unfortunately, the closest that I can get to those two things would be a dip in the water truck or walk around the tarmac barefoot and feel the urea underneath my toes. (I'll pass) With the days getting longer, harder, and hotter we are certainly feeling the arrival of summer around the airport. We are stocked up on water and Gatorade and the air conditioning is running full blast! (Except when I have to turn the AC off in my office because it's so loud and I'm so deaf)
*Playing Hooky: So much to the unhappiness of my crew, I cut out to Little Rock around 2 Saturday afternoon and just got back in the office around 8am this morning. My wonderful mother took hold of the reigns while I was out gallivanting in Little Rock... And by gallivanting I mean sleeping in, cleaning my house, laying out, working in the yard, and eating really great food! Gabe made a big dish of John Besh's homemade shrimp and grits on Sunday and we had a big group of friends over to eat on my patio! The food was fabulous and it was really great catching up with all our friends! Tuesday I had a great interview downtown that I'm very excited about and this morning I got up bright and early to head back down and whip this place back into shape.
*Loader Truck Love: When I left Saturday afternoon two of our loader trucks (The Hybrid & Red) were hanging on by a thread... Or perhaps a bolt. I'm not so good at the truck mechanic'in so I really don't know. Either way, they were both running hot, spewing oil, and were a danger to any driver. (Also, totally unreliable) So Sunday Matthew went and got a loader truck from Brandon Everette in Holly Grove to test drive. This baby is an automatic, has a stainless steel hopper, and purrs like a kitten! I'm pretty sure Shawn feels like he's driving a Caddy when he takes this sweet baby out on the strip!
*Wings of Flight: No, I'm not talking about airplane wings... I'm talking about Matthew's hair. He's getting pretty shaggy and if he doesn't get a hair cut soon I'm pretty sure those lovely Farrah Faucet wings billowing out from underneath his cap may take flight! I'll try to post a pic and squeeze him in for a hair cut soon!
*Busted: Well I'm not exactly sure anything has burst but I don't believe all the parts on our water lines are working correctly. Late this morning the water out of the faucets and in the toilets suddenly began to look like brown paint. Luckily, G.W. was on the case and things have begun to clear up now... Either way, I think I'm going to lean on the side of caution and bring bottled water to make the coffee in the morning!
*Baby On Board!: Looks like I get to be 'Aunt Kat' to another sweet little nugget!!! Matthew and Ashley are prego again and Ashtyn & Mary Grace are very excited about being big sisters. I've known since early last week and have been dying to spill the beans! They finally told my mom, Alexis, & Ashtyn on Sunday and now I get to share to exciting news with you! ... Will the old folk tale of "Crop Dusters Only Have Daughters" ring true once again or will they be blessed with a bouncing baby AufderHeide Boy?!?!?! Stay tuned to find out.....
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