Dictionary.com has several definitions for both a noun and an adjective for the word "Hybrid"; however, I think the following description best fits OUR situation here at AufderHeide Flying Service: "bred from two distinct races, breeds, varieties, species, or genera".... Please allow me to further explain.
I have nicknamed our new loader truck "The Hybrid". The origin of the hybrid dates back to several years ago when my papa Cal still worked at the flying service. I guess that specific summer we got in a pinch and my papa (Bless his heart) thought it would be a good idea to buy an old cheap Uhaul, tear off the rear, and throw a hopper (upside down pyramid that holds the fertilizer) and an auger (long tube that brings fertilizer from the hopper to the airplane) from a previous loader truck onto the new Uhaul. Sounds like a great idea, huh? Yeah, much easier said than done. First of all it is probably never a good ideal to buy an automobile that is "old and cheap". Secondly, it is almost physically impossible to take a front end of one big truck and a back end of another and meld them together in perfect harmony. I wasn't out here during this process; however, my brother said it was quite trying at times, to say the least. But, it finally worked and the end result is shown above. (That's Shawn our loader truck driver doing a little maintenance)
For the past year The Hybrid has been in the shop getting an internal makeover. (New engine, bells, & whistles) Matthew has been anxiously awaiting her arrival and last Monday he was finally able to bring her home! ... Ain't she a beaut!... With all luck The Hybrid will be rockin' and rollin' all over South Arkansas County in a few weeks. If you happen to come across this orange and white beauty of a beast, be sure to honk and wave. I'm not exactly sure if her horn works but I'm sure Shawn will definitely wave!
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