Happy Earth Day!!!! Now, you may be a bit perplexed when I say AufderHeide Flying is service is going green... Especially since half of our business if focused solely on spraying herbicides, fungicides, and pesticide from the sky. We are heavily regulated by the EPA and the tree huggers hate us. Yeah, ok, so maybe we aren't totally going green, BUT we are doing a little part to help save ol' Momma Nature!
About three months ago, when I first started working out here. Matthew made fun of me and said I was acting like Daddy when I had 3 empty water bottles lined up by my desk. (Daddy used to have about 10 or 12 old soda/spit bottles around his chair) I nicely informed my brother that I planned on taking them back to Little Rock to add to my recycle bin. However, the water bottles kept piling up so I asked Shawn to go out to the chemical shed and get me a box.
The end product is shown above, The AufderHeide Flying Recycling Center. A tall crop oil box with built in dividers works perfectly! You may wonder why there is not an aluminum section but there really is not much of a need for one. Matthew and I drink mostly water and Shawn mainly drinks sweet tea from a plastic milk jug. (What a weirdo) Every once in awhile my crazy Uncle Ralph will stop by and add a Diet Mountain Dew can to our collection but that's ok with me. We have also started using coffee filters from 100% recyclable materials!
So, Happy Earth Day, I hope I've inspired you to recycle your coke cans or plant a tree... In the words of Matthew's favorite cartoon character, Captain Planet, "The Power is Yours, Go Planet"!
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