Well... Here we are, in all our glory! Shawn, me (with Turbo), & Matthew. Actually this is a terrible picture. It was taken yesterday by Heath "Cupcake" Baker on a rainy afternoon after we had been working all morning. After four different pictures and Cupcake never figuring out how to not take a blurry picture, I figured I'd let the boys out of there misery and just go with this.
Yes, the boys usually are this dirty looking and no, I usually don't wear make-up to work. My work schedule (which involves waking up at 5am) usually isn't condusive for getting beautiful in the the morning.... Also, Yes, that is an old, giant map of Arkansas County on the wall in my office but, unfortunately, no you may not have it! (Yes, I know you are jealous)
Confucius once said, "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life". Well, after working long, hot summers; getting to work at 5:00-5:30 and sometimes not leaving until 9pm, I can assure you it definitely feels like hard work. However, I think I can speak for all three of us when we say I love this job and I love this work. We get to watch the beautful sunsets and sunrises, we get to work with other great, hard working people, we get to watch one of the most dangerous jobs in the world performed with elegance (for Matthew, he actually gets to experience it first hand!), we laugh several times a day, we see the results of our labor, and we have a good time doing it all!
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