Ahhh... Saturday, All-Day, Workdays... How I've missed you!
The old folk rhyme "Monday's Child" states the following line... "Saturday's child works hard for a living". John Shirley said, " Saturday's are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them." Saturday is the official day of rest in Israel and in Nepal Saturday is the last day of the week, the only official weekly holiday. Saturday is the usual day for elections in Australia and the only day in New Zealand which elections can be held... Jewish are forbidden to work on Saturdays... But, I'm not Jewish...
You can find all kinds of factual information and quotes about Saturday; however, I think Donna Summer describes my Saturday's best when she sings "She Works Hard for the Money!"
Now, I'm certainly not complaining. I've been here since 5:45 (had an extra cup well water coffee) but it is a beautiful day so far at AufderHeide Flying Service. Although the wind is blowing too hard to spray we have about 220,000 pounds of fertilizer to put out today. Lot's of fertilizin' and we're rockin' and rollin'... Hence, the cartoon.... It was in the paper this week and it really cracked me and Matthew up. I've taped it to my computer and I've been dying for a chance to use it all week! Yesterday, was obviously not the day but I'm pretty sure today is... So, if you happen to call me I'll probably be on a roll, doing a little schedulin', wheelin' & deelin'!
She works hard for the money
So hard for it honey
She works hard for the money
So you better treat her right!
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