Ugh. Wind. I hate wind. Or at least today I do... See that windsock sticking straight out? According to my weather channel.com app the wind is currently blowing 22 miles per hour. Gale force winds! Nobody's flying nothing on a day like today. (Yes, mother, I know that is not a proper sentence.) So here we are, pacing back and forth, twiddling our thumbs, with a stack of work piling up on my desk....

And so we tinker... In the picture above Shawn, Matthew, & G.W. (more on G.W. later) are tinkering on a small engine they use for a pump on The Hybrid... At least I think that's what it is. Any who, the wind sucks and its beginning to look like we're working all day tomorrow and maybe a little Easter morning! (If the wind ever dies down) WoooHooo, life of a crop duster!
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