When you enter the airport office you are usually met with a barking gang of man's best friends. Don't worry, they are always friendly, especially if you have food or scratch their booty. These are the airport dogs and they are here with us day in and day out.
Turbo (Short for Turbine engine) is the wise one. He's an old airport veteran that started working out here the first day I got him, 9 years ago this May. I had really been wanting a dog and I finally sweet talked my daddy into it. "Well," he said, "I guess you can go down to David's and take a look at his pups." David Neal (my dad's best friend) had a brand new litter of black lab puppies and I really think Daddy was wanting one too!... Turbo is a HUGE lab that now spends most of his day napping under my desk and passing gas. He is also recovering from a recent surgery... We had a scare with male breast cancer (how crazy is it that dogs can get that) but the two cyst turned out to be malignant and he is doing much better, thanks goodness! He's a great dog, always has been.
Kramer is Matthew's mutt dog that just showed up at the airport one day. Matthew's daughter Ashtyn fell in love with him and he instantly became part of the family. Kramer is a quirky, cartoon-like pup that looks like he stuck his finger in a light socket 5 seconds ago... Just like his namesake, Cosmo Kramer. (Seinfeld reference) Kramer loves to run down the runway and stick his head rat holes. (pretty hilarious) He's also allergic to mosquitoes and has to have a shot every month. Talk about high maintenance for an Arkansas County mutt dog!
Last, but certainly not least, there is Woodrow DeWitt. Oh, Woodrow. Woodrow is an one and a half year old large Airedale Terrier that Gabe (my boyfriend) got me last year for Valentines Day. Woodrow is the exit you take to get to my house in Little Rock and we just really liked it as a name. (Sorta regal, don't ya think) DeWitt, well is obviously for DeWitt, and I thought Woodrow DeWitt had a nice ring to it. He is a very energetic puppy to say the least. Remember that Hyper kid in your elementary class that drank too many Mountain Dew's and ate the Cheerios off the picture frame he made for his mom, yeah, that is kinda like Woodrow. Woodrow, just like Kramer, likes running down the runway and sticking his head in rat holes. He loves bringing me dead animals, chewing up ink pens, and rolling in muddy water any chance he gets. (The mud clings to his shaggy coat) He also loves to cuddle, which is very sweet, but it can certainly be a problem if he just got out of a drainage ditch! What a funny dude.
So these are our team mascots... Stinky, Scratchy, & Dirty. Come give them a visit and they'll let you scratch their booty!
"The more I see of man, the more I like dogs." ~Mme. de Stael
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