My sweet boyfriend took this picture last night in the bathroom of Drake Field in Fayetteville. And how very true it is... Matthew definitely has an, um, "special air" about him!
Sometimes Matthew is full of a lot of hot air, like when we are in a brother-sister argument and he starts making up the wild lies just so he can win. Or like the time we were little and he told me we were going to playing Hide & Seek and the closet was the very best place to hide... Yeah, he just ended up locking me in the closet.
Sometimes he is full of sweet air, like this morning he called and told me sleep in because it was raining. Or when he lets me off on Saturdays so I can go to the horse races. He also always makes the coffee in the morning, which is definitely a plus! (The coffee at AufderHeide Flying Service is a very interesting story, which I'll have to expound upon later)
There is the stinky air... And believe me, there is a lot of stinky working around an airport full of fuel, fertilizer, chemicals, two boys, and three stinky muddy dogs. Sometimes Matthew comes in smelling like the pungent smell of concentrated toxic chemicals. (little overwhelming) Then he may have spilled a little fuel on his shoes, so he comes tromping through the office spreading that aroma everywhere. (I can't lie though... I actually kinda like the smell of airplane fuel) Sometimes he smells like a grease monkey. (And he looks like one too) Ok, I apologize for the corning remark. Lastly there is the boys bathroom... I spare you that description, just know that I rarely go in there without gloves!
Lastly there is my favorite "air" about him that my brother gets... "The Country Boi Air"... Obviously we all have southern accents but my dear brother recently developed a super country accent on a few occasions and it is hilarious. The Country Boi voice usually comes out when he is talking to my grandpa, older farmers, or when he gets really excited. I would compare it to a cross between Boss Hogg and Uncle Jesse on the Dukes of Hazard, sometimes fast, sometime slow, but always REALLY Twangy. I can't really do it justice in type, but here goes: "Yessir, oh yeah boi, you know back up in 'er, woooo boi, ain't dat sumthin, shoot boi you ain't kiddin'" Hahaha It. Is. Awesome!
(Full disclosure: I completely realize my accent is worse than my brothers and it too gets worse when talking to my papa, most all farmers, and after I've had a drink or two. )
The curse of the southern accent. And I know exactly the phrases you typed. HAHA.