Interesting and Entertaining, day by day events at AufderHeide Flying Service.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
She Works Hard for the Money

Friday, April 29, 2011
Punched in the Face
I think this quote probably best describes our day here at AufderHeide Flying Service... We started this sunny day raring to go! It was calm. It was clear. It was starting to dry up. Perfect day for flying.... However, at the end of Matthew's third load around Lodges Corner he clipped a powerline running to a well in the middle of a rice field... (Minor incident) He was ok and made it back to the airport safe and sound without any major damage.
However, the plane received minor damage. The powerline took a small piece off of the top rudder and it hit the prop. Now I know very little about props and powerlines but apparently it's not a good combination. While things appeared to be ok on the outside, after talking to our mechanic, we decided we'd rather be safe than sorry. We have now pulled the prop and the engine and are sending both to the proper mechanics to get checked out. This was slightly beyond my airport mechanic'in skills...
In the meantime, our great friend, Brandon Everette has come from across the river to help us out for the next few days. He is a fabulous, experienced pilot that has helped us out a few times before. We are very thankful to have his friendship!
Mom's currently on her way to Mountain View to have to prop inspected and our trusty mechanic Robert has delivered our engine to Marianna. If all goes well he should be up and running again Monday afternoon... This is just another reminder that everyday and every load is dangerous as a crop duster. And while it stinks that we are currently grounded, I'm very thankful that it was a minor incident and that Matthew's is safe and sound.
... By the way... Who knew Mike Tyson had so much wisdom???
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thank Heaven for Little Girls!

Of course it isn't always true and there are always a few exceptions to the rule. (Matthew, Daddy, Heath/Cupcake, Daddy & my Uncle Mitch, and David, Danny, & Kaleb Bullock) But it sure is interesting when you start counting the crop dusters with pretty little girls! (Daddy-2 girls, Matthew-2 girls, David Bullock- 2 girls, Brandon Everette-3 girls!, John Trites-2 girls, & Michael Meins-2 girls!)
I could go on but I'll stop there... Plus, I really want to get to the main point of this post and show you pictures of my gorgeous niece on her first trip to the airport yesterday! She is 6 months old and I'm pretty sure she gets her good looks from her Aunt Kat!!! Thank heaven for little girls!
How High's the Water Mama?

Heath Baker, the Candle Stick Maker

This is our buddy, Brandon Heath Cupcake Baker... You see Matthew and most people around the airport call him "Cupcake" (Matthew also calls him Heath Baker the candle stick maker, hence the title), although he doesn't like being called Cupcake. His momma and most everyone else call him by his middle name, Heath. But yet, his real name is Brandon... Confused yet? I kinda feel like I'm writing about "Who's on First"!
Heath is a pilot for the neighboring Bullock Flying Service, so he's pretty much a daily presence at the airport. He's a great pilot and has helped us many times when we were in a pinch. He's from Humphrey originally but during the busy season he lives in a camper right by the hangar. It's really a pretty sweet set up! He has a 16 year old Husky named "Canine" (yes, very creative name) that still gets around pretty good and loves to play with all the other airport pups. Heath's grandpa, dad, and I believe his uncle were all crop dusters at one time or another so he has lots of great old airport stories that I'm sure I'll share in the future.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Oh, Henry!
I've finally made it to the airport and on days like today (after a 10 inch rain) there isn't much going on. I've corrected all my mothers mistakes (she wrote farmer's orders in hot purple and that just won't fly around the airport) and now I have time to sit and ponder about the good old days... And my old special friend, Henry.
You see Henry was a fertilizer truck driver for the local DeWitt co-op... (or maybe at that time is was farmer's supply, they switched names quite a bit) Henry had a small crush on me and I'm pretty sure he would be the first to volunteer to drive a truck out to the airport. Now, usually fertilizer drivers stay outside on the strip with their truck, refilling our loader trucks whenever necessary. However, Henry always found a reason to come inside and talk to me. He would be parched and need a drink of well water from our water fountain (I've already told you how delicious it is). He would need to go to the bathroom. He would need to hand deliver me his ticket order. (Because his boss told him so) Whatever reason he could think of he would use it and then come have a seat in my office.
Henry wasn't a very forward man... He didn't use cheesy pick up lines or compliment my looks... Instead he preferred to woo me with the written word! Everyday that Henry came in the office he would grab the "Lifestyles" section of the Dem Gazette and read me my horoscope. He would tell me about my destiny and read the days I would be most lucky... It was written in the stars he would tell me. Then, on extra special days, Henry would get out the classified and look for me a wedding ring... Apparently, you can find a heck of a deal on an engagement ring in the classifieds! Hahaha! Oh, Henry.
I haven't seen Henry is several years and have no clue where he is now... but every time I come across the horoscopes, I smile and think of old Henry. Ahhh, the special friends you can make at the airport!
Highway to the Danger Zone

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Airport to Mark

Me: "Airport to Mark.... Hey Daddy... DADDY!" Daddy: "Yes, darling" Me: "Whatcha doin"... Daddy: "I'm flying love" Me: "Oh ok, well... (random talk about the airport) This was a very typical everyday conversation on the radio back when I worked at the airport in high school and college. Man, I sure do miss those conversations...
My daddy grew up around the airport and I guess he never really thought about doing much else. He and my mother were middle school sweet hearts and both went to ASU, where daddy played football. He must have been pretty good because the past two times I've seen the Governor he always asks if Mark is my daddy and then talks about what a beast of a football player he was! Ha! After college daddy came back to DeWitt, learned to fly and married my lovely mother Margo. They also had us three fabulous children... I'd say they did an especially great job on the second one!...
Daddy was the hardest worker I believe I have ever known. Some days he would get up at 4:30, get in an airplane at 5 and stay in there working all day till dark around 8:30. He would then do the necessary maintenance odds and ends and not make it home till 9:30 or 10! Other days he would sit at the airport for hours on end reading and just waiting for the wind to change. He would sit there all day just in case the wind switched a few degrees and he could get out a few perfect passes, so as to not disturb a neighboring crop. That's just how he was, he was loyal to his customers and wanted to perform the very best job to please them.
Sure wish I would have inherited that patience... Luckily, I inherited a few other things of his that I will carry on forever... His eyes, his hard work, his determination, his tendency to leave cabinet doors open, his lack of hearing, his habit of leaving empty bottles around the airport, and one of my favorites, his sense of humor! You see my daddy wasn't exactly a social butterfly. He wasn't much for parties, going out to eat, or socializing with lots of people in general. If he wasn't at the airport he was either at home on the couch watching Nascar, football, or our favorite "Swamp People", or he was at David's shop shooting the bull or getting ready to go hunting. And although he wasn't one for entertaining... He was really, really funny. He had a great sarcastic sense of humor and loved a practical joke! He didn't say much so when he did it was usually important or pretty funny! Bless my mother's heart, if she didn't get it from me she would usually get it from him. Even in the last few weeks, I think he helped himself and all of us by continuing to laugh and crack jokes. He would get really tickled when I would help him up and boast about my massive arm strength (or lack there of) and also on a few occasions when he fell he would start laughing and blame it on my mom for pushing him! Hahaha!
My aunt recently said she read the following quote "You can judge the character of a big man, by the way he treats a little man" (or something along those lines) By this definition I think my daddy had a wonderful character. He always treated everyone with decency and respect and was never quick to judge. He always cared about his workers and wanted the very best for them. He loved my mother, his children, and told us often. He worked hard to provide for us and wanted only the best for his children. (He also liked to often tell me that I was his, he bought me and paid for me and had the papers to prove it :)) I am so blessed that he was my father and that I got to spend 26 fabulous year learning from and laughing with him.
My daddy loved his profession and in my opinion was the greatest crop duster AufderHeide Flying Service ever had. On the day of his funeral Heath Baker, David Bullock, Brandon Everette, & John (Dubber) Trites (in an Ag Cat like my daddy used to fly) performed a lovely flyover where Dubber split from the other planes and flew off into the sunset... What a perfect tribute.... I like to think my daddy is up there flying around in heaven, looking down on us and smiling. The airport just isn't the same without him and we miss him every day; however, it's certainly comforting to know that my guardian angel is already so experienced at flying! :)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Rather be Fishin'

Although I don't think I'll make it to any muddy waters today, I thought I would brag about myself for just a second and explain my profile picture. (Matthew will roll his eyes as soon as he reads this) See that monstrous catfish up there?... Yeah, I caught that... all by myself! Last fall Matthew, Brent (Matthew's pal), and I went down to the White River (right where it meets the Mississippi) to go Catfishing. Or catfish fishing, since we aren't exactly fishing for cats.... I think Matthew caught 1, Brent caught 2, and I caught 3, including this big ol' beauty!!! It took my entire body strength and maybe a little help from the boys but we got her in the boat and I was grinning ear to ear!
That'll Put Hair on Your Chest!

Friday, April 22, 2011
Thar She Blows....

The Three Musketeers

Thursday, April 21, 2011
AufderHeide Flying is Going Green!

Happy Earth Day!!!! Now, you may be a bit perplexed when I say AufderHeide Flying is service is going green... Especially since half of our business if focused solely on spraying herbicides, fungicides, and pesticide from the sky. We are heavily regulated by the EPA and the tree huggers hate us. Yeah, ok, so maybe we aren't totally going green, BUT we are doing a little part to help save ol' Momma Nature!
About three months ago, when I first started working out here. Matthew made fun of me and said I was acting like Daddy when I had 3 empty water bottles lined up by my desk. (Daddy used to have about 10 or 12 old soda/spit bottles around his chair) I nicely informed my brother that I planned on taking them back to Little Rock to add to my recycle bin. However, the water bottles kept piling up so I asked Shawn to go out to the chemical shed and get me a box.
The end product is shown above, The AufderHeide Flying Recycling Center. A tall crop oil box with built in dividers works perfectly! You may wonder why there is not an aluminum section but there really is not much of a need for one. Matthew and I drink mostly water and Shawn mainly drinks sweet tea from a plastic milk jug. (What a weirdo) Every once in awhile my crazy Uncle Ralph will stop by and add a Diet Mountain Dew can to our collection but that's ok with me. We have also started using coffee filters from 100% recyclable materials!
So, Happy Earth Day, I hope I've inspired you to recycle your coke cans or plant a tree... In the words of Matthew's favorite cartoon character, Captain Planet, "The Power is Yours, Go Planet"!
Just a Lil' Airplane Mechanic'in

Matthew's gps was ready to go and all was right with the world again at AufderHeide Flying Service. Later that day my friend in Little Rock text me and asked what was going on... "Not much", I said, "Just a lil' airplane mechanic'in." :)
The Troops!

A Special "Air" About Them

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Godfather: Calvin Benjamin AufderHeide
The Man, The Legend
This handsome fella is quite possibly my favorite human on earth! This is my papa Cal that started AufderHeide Flying Service over 60 years ago. He is funny, hard working outgoing, generous, and always knows how to fix something when it's broke. And truth be told, I am probably his favorite person on earth too... For sure his favorite grandchild! Ssshhh don't tell Matthew or Alexis! :)
Papa first came to DeWitt in April of 1948. He was a recent graduate of Spartan College of Aeronautics in Tulsa, Oklahoma and had taken a job as an instructor for Smith and Jones out west of town. He actually had another instructor position waiting on him at Iowa State University; however, the last day of school he saw the job listing for Smith and Jones in DeWitt, Arkansas on a school bulletin board and figured Arkansas was much warmer than Iowa. Cal grew up with cold Missouri winters and he decided he had had enough.
So off he went to the booming metropolis of DeWitt, Arkansas. The first year at Smith and Jones he was strictly an instructor. Then in 1949 he began crop dusting for the company and stayed on through the the beginning of 1950. His plane was an N-3N. As he explained to me, a N-3N was a bi-winged plane kinda like an Ag-Cat but just a little smaller.
In the hot, mosquito-filled summer of 1950 papa went out on his own and started AufderHeide Flying Service. The first plane he bough was an old Stearman. The Stearman was basically the same thing as an N-3N, the only difference was the Stearman was used as an Army trainer whereas the N-3N was used in Naval training. In 1953, Cal's brother-in-law joined him and the operation became A & M Flying Service. The two crop dusters also established an irrigation company in 70's, but as you can imagine two companies can be quite a bit of work and in the mid 70's Cal and John split up. John took over the irrigation business and Cal resumed sole control of the flying services, re-establishing the name AufderHeide Flying Service.
Papa has a lot of great stories about those first years: One involved a pilot from Pine Bluff named "Booger Red". Booger Red had a J-3 Cub. One day Booger Red was drunk and gambling at the Smith and Jones airstrip, Red ended up loosing the bet and lost his airplane to Jones... Since poppa was the new kid he had to fly Booger Red (half passed out and smoking a cig when he could stay awake) back to Pine Bluff. Pop was terrified that any second the ash would catch the fabric on fire and they would all go up in flames. Booger Red; what an awesome name. Another time Cal and John spent an entire winter in a small hut with only a pot belly stove, working to completely restore an old Stearman. Stearmans were mainly constructed of fabric and held together with a special kind of glue, so this was a very long, tedious process that sometimes ended with them being around fabric glue for a little too long. :) Any who Spring came and they finally completed the magnificent structure... Second load papa takes out he crashed and totally destroyed the plane. He walked away without a scratch and with the determination to start again. :)
In the late 70's, about two years after graduating from Arkansas State University, my Daddy Mark, obtained his commercial license and also joined papa in the flying fleet. The father/son duo worked beside each other along with several great pilots, for many years. Around the 90's Cal turned from pilot to office manager/main mechanic where he remained until just a few years ago. He taught Matthew how to fly and taught me how to run the books; more importantly though, he has taught us the importance of customer service and the value of hard work.
Cal is now in full retirement mode. He takes his camper to Hot Springs every year to watch the horse races (although "they just aren't running right this year") and goes to Branson about once every three months. He's become a pro at "freezing corn", "shuckin' peas", and cooking ribs. He can't stay away from this place for too long though... He came out to today to get a wrench to change his lawn mower tire; however, as you can see he made himself right at home on the couch!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Hybrid

Dictionary.com has several definitions for both a noun and an adjective for the word "Hybrid"; however, I think the following description best fits OUR situation here at AufderHeide Flying Service: "bred from two distinct races, breeds, varieties, species, or genera".... Please allow me to further explain.
I have nicknamed our new loader truck "The Hybrid". The origin of the hybrid dates back to several years ago when my papa Cal still worked at the flying service. I guess that specific summer we got in a pinch and my papa (Bless his heart) thought it would be a good idea to buy an old cheap Uhaul, tear off the rear, and throw a hopper (upside down pyramid that holds the fertilizer) and an auger (long tube that brings fertilizer from the hopper to the airplane) from a previous loader truck onto the new Uhaul. Sounds like a great idea, huh? Yeah, much easier said than done. First of all it is probably never a good ideal to buy an automobile that is "old and cheap". Secondly, it is almost physically impossible to take a front end of one big truck and a back end of another and meld them together in perfect harmony. I wasn't out here during this process; however, my brother said it was quite trying at times, to say the least. But, it finally worked and the end result is shown above. (That's Shawn our loader truck driver doing a little maintenance)
For the past year The Hybrid has been in the shop getting an internal makeover. (New engine, bells, & whistles) Matthew has been anxiously awaiting her arrival and last Monday he was finally able to bring her home! ... Ain't she a beaut!... With all luck The Hybrid will be rockin' and rollin' all over South Arkansas County in a few weeks. If you happen to come across this orange and white beauty of a beast, be sure to honk and wave. I'm not exactly sure if her horn works but I'm sure Shawn will definitely wave!
AufderHeide Flying Service & the New Blog!