So first of all this entire picture just cracks me up. I mean who in the world decorates a 1972 model microwave with 3 voltage regulators, pictures of small children and a hat that proudly boast "My Aircraft has been Fritzed."??? AufderHeide Flying Service does... That's who!
I have no idea where this microwave came from... It's been here ever since I can remember so I'm guessing it was probably an old one of my papa's or he bought it at a yard sale. I don't know how but miraculously it still works, rounded timer and all. It may take a little longer than a modern microwave (Suggested 1 minute heat time usually takes 3) but hey, it still works!
Then there are the Voltage Regulators. Now I don't have a clue what in the heck a voltage regulator does, other than regulate volts, but I'm sure they all three served some important purpose at one time or another and deserve a prestigious spot on top of the microwave... REGULATORS.... Mount UP! (I apologize for this lame rap song reference... this is actually probably the only rap song I know but I felt it would greatly add to the paragraph and it would make Lana Flowers laugh... so, then again: You're Welcome)
The pictures of Matthew and I have been there since 1989. (I know that only because my mom wrote the dates on the back) Me posing like a prima ballerina in that ridiculous flower costume and Matthew looking like a baseball pro in his throwback AufderHeide Flying Service uniform... Man, we sure were cute kids! There aren't any baby pictures of Alexis out here; guess we've always known she isn't the favorite. Ha!
My favorite shrine on top of the microwave would be a hat from our old trusty mechanic Fritz Norwine. Fritz passed away a few years ago, but boy, was he a character. Fritz was a large heavy set guy that wore a dirty black t-shirt, his jeans a little low, and always had a cigar in his mouth. Always. This wasn't a lit cigar... since he was working around airplane liquids and jet fumes and well, that could have been disastrous. He instead chose to chew the cigar at all times... Whether in an airplane, under an airplane, or just talking in my office, he always kept that cigar in his mouth. Ewww
Fritz had a very "unique" odor about him... Mind you he was a mechanic that worked in an un-air conditioned shop in the middle of the Arkansas summer and constantly had a tobacco product on his person, but he also wasn't fond of showers... So umm, yeah, that made for an interesting combination... Most times on long repair jobs that required overnight visits Fritz would sleep at the airport. (maybe he would shower at Conoco, maybe not) As soon as you opened the door the next morning that "unique" odor would hit you right in the face... I'd usually go get the Clorox spray and start wiping down the couches first thing... Nothing that a little bleach couldn't take care of!
Fritz and my grandpa went way back. I'm not exactly sure when Fritz started coming down here but he always talked about my grandmother Mary Katherine, (my namesake) so it had to have been for several decades. He also sometimes called me Mary Katherine and occasionally Margo, but then I think he just gave up and started calling me "Little Sister". I didn't mind though... Fritz was always very sweet and loved to tell me stories about my grandmother, my dad when he was little, and crazy things that my papa used to do. I really did enjoyed all of our conversations...
In the last few years that Fritz was down here, he started bringing his brother Jim. (a large baby-faced man who always wore overalls that were just a tad too short) They loved to get into silly fights (like most brothers do) and it was usually about the most ridiculous things! Matthew's favorite argument of the brothers occurred frequently and began with Robert saying, "Oh you know old "so & so" (insert any pilots name here) he don't drive that old Ag-Cat anymore, he drives that new Thrush". Apparently that would really put a burr in Fritz's hide because he we would always respond with, "Now Dammit Robert, I done told you, you don't DRIVE an airplane, you FLY the damn thing". Hahaha You probably had to be there to better understand it, but they were quite a charismatic team.
I believe I was a freshman in college when Fritz came out with his new slogan and fancy new hats... Pure marketing gold those hats... Papa gave me a handful and I wore them to a few fraternity drop ins. Several friends were very jealous and wanted a hat just like mine! ... Now they didn't have any aircraft, but if they did, I'm sure they would want them to be Fritzed!
That microwave came from Mr Purdy (if its the same one, sure does look like it)...The one before it was possibly the largest/heaviest microwave on Earth, it always sat in Cal's office bc that was the only place that had room for it...Jeez, ur pics are taking me back in time...