Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oh, Henry!

Oh, Henry.... And no, I'm not referring to the pen name of William Porter or the chocolate candy bar...

I've finally made it to the airport and on days like today (after a 10 inch rain) there isn't much going on. I've corrected all my mothers mistakes (she wrote farmer's orders in hot purple and that just won't fly around the airport) and now I have time to sit and ponder about the good old days... And my old special friend, Henry.

You see Henry was a fertilizer truck driver for the local DeWitt co-op... (or maybe at that time is was farmer's supply, they switched names quite a bit) Henry had a small crush on me and I'm pretty sure he would be the first to volunteer to drive a truck out to the airport. Now, usually fertilizer drivers stay outside on the strip with their truck, refilling our loader trucks whenever necessary. However, Henry always found a reason to come inside and talk to me. He would be parched and need a drink of well water from our water fountain (I've already told you how delicious it is). He would need to go to the bathroom. He would need to hand deliver me his ticket order. (Because his boss told him so) Whatever reason he could think of he would use it and then come have a seat in my office.

Henry wasn't a very forward man... He didn't use cheesy pick up lines or compliment my looks... Instead he preferred to woo me with the written word! Everyday that Henry came in the office he would grab the "Lifestyles" section of the Dem Gazette and read me my horoscope. He would tell me about my destiny and read the days I would be most lucky... It was written in the stars he would tell me. Then, on extra special days, Henry would get out the classified and look for me a wedding ring... Apparently, you can find a heck of a deal on an engagement ring in the classifieds! Hahaha! Oh, Henry.

I haven't seen Henry is several years and have no clue where he is now... but every time I come across the horoscopes, I smile and think of old Henry. Ahhh, the special friends you can make at the airport!


  1. Hahaha! This cracks me up! Love the blog sis! I always love hearing about the flying service!

    Btw, David Mc. at work keeps asking for stories on me from you he says...keep our secrets for me! lol! :)

  2. KA you have a way of making men do foolish things like that! What is it? I need more stories on Marsha! :)
