Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beach Bums

So while you were chained to your desk and being a slave to the man last Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, my friend Whitney and I were being slaves to the sun in Perdido Key, Florida!

Whitney and I first met about two months before college.  We both were both assigned roommates we didn't know at ASU and met through a mutual friend in Stuttgart that told us we should room together.  We both agreed that something somewhat familiar would be much better than the unknown, so we changed our housing contracts and got a room together.  The first time we met, we instantly clicked.  People thought we had been lifetime best friends.  We had the same thoughts, same tastes, and could pretty much finish each others sentences.  I would clean the dorm head to toe and she would do all our laundry.  She would do my eye make-up and I would do her lips.  We would advise each other on fashion and boys.  We rarely studied but could throw an awesome dorm pre-party. ( We had a rousing rendition of Dolly Parton's "Why'd Ya Come In Here Lookin' Like That")  Some thought we were sisters while others probably thought we were slightly crazy.  Either way, we made a terrific team!

After our sophomore year Whitney moved to Arizona to go to Interior Design School.  After graduation in 2009 she moved back to Little Rock and we rekindled our friendship right where we left off.  We went out for drinks, had grilling parties on my patio, went on several hilarious camping adventures, and I even introduced her to her current boyfriend, Gabe's best friend Dallas.  We were once again inseparable.    

Alas, in the Spring of 2010, Whitney got a big girl job at a design firm in Atlanta.  She and Dallas both moved and although I have seen her a few times since, nothing was as good as this past weekend on the beach!  We had been discussing a girls weekend for awhile but, after my past few months of working daylight till dark and her grueling work/travel schedule, we decided a few weeks ago that a weekend on the beach was a must!

We arrived in Perdido Key around 1:30, did our Wally World shopping, checked in the condo and headed to the beach.  I cooked a delicious shrimp and pasta dinner, which we ate on our balcony, and spent the evening catching up and laughing.  Thursday and Friday we got to the beach early and pretty much stayed there until the sun went down.  We talked each other's ear off, drank mimosas, read fashion magazines, napped, and enjoyed the the sun, sand, & girlfriend therapy...  We also got slight burned! (Ouch) While we were only there a few days I think our girly vacay did the trick.  We went away both relaxed and rejuvenated!  ...  I've also discovered that if the whole "career" thing doesn't work out, I'm pretty sure I'd like to apply for the job of Specialized Beach Bum!

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