Good news and bad news: So yesterday "blogger.com" was completely out of whack! I was able to access the site somewhat but wasn't able to post anything that I wrote. It also ate the last two previously written post. One of my favorites about David Bullock and Matthew being twinkies is gone as well as my "Feeling Mavericky" post. Everything since Wednesday morning is gone :( I'll try to see if I can't find them somewhere out in cyber-space, if not, I apologize. That's the bad news.
Good news!!! My friend Jeni, who lives in Little Rock & teaches in Sheridan, came down to see me after school yesterday!!! This was only her second time to visit the metropolis of DeWitt!! And although I think some things shocked her a little bit, I'm pretty sure she had a good time!
Good news!!! My friend Jeni, who lives in Little Rock & teaches in Sheridan, came down to see me after school yesterday!!! This was only her second time to visit the metropolis of DeWitt!! And although I think some things shocked her a little bit, I'm pretty sure she had a good time!
She first came to the airport and hung out with me until I was off work at 8:30. "I didn't know people really worked past five or at least 5:30, like, EVER" she said. I showed her around the hangar, my office, and the airport grounds. I wouldn't exactly say she was impressed... But she did say, "Well, I've never seen anything like this place". (I'll take that as a compliment) She also said she was kinda jealous of me getting to wear shorts and t-shirts to work and being around all these studly men! Ha!
During the workday, we also had to run up to A-1 (Exxon) to get gas for the pump at the mixing tank. I told her to hop in Matthew's truck and we would be running just a quick errand. Here is the conversation from what you think would be a simple errand: Jeni: Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed that we are two girls riding in a truck! Me: Um, why? We are just driving up the road. Jeni: It's just so redneck and embarrassing. Only redneck girls drive trucks. Me: Um, I drove a truck all throughout high school. It was a black 88 Chevy with pipes, rims, and a race car steering wheel! (It also didn't have a horn so when I rode by people I knew I had to "rack" my pipes off so they would wave at me!) Jeni: (after 3 minutes of crying laughter) Wow, I would not have been your friend in high school!
Also on the way to A-1, I noticed that Alex's fuel pump motor cover had fallen off (pictured above) so I pulled over in front of the Miller's house. The cover (a sawed-off Riceshot barrel) was on her side so I made her jump out and get it. Again she was taken aback by one of my request... "You want me to just hop out and grab it?"... Yes, Jeni. "Ugh, you so owe me for this, I better not get dirty." Seriously?!?!?! It was just picking something up and throwing it in the back of a truck! When it was all said and done she was very proud of herself and now has proof that she did some "work" in the country.
We completed our mission to A-1. I got a can full of gas and some beer to give the guys after work (Bud light & Fat Tire)... She got a bottle of wine from the fine wine selection at a gas station... Now who looks like the redneck!?!??! HaHa
Back at the 'port, I started working on what spraying I could line up for the evening. Me: Jeni, will you see what the winds doing? Jeni: Huh, what's it doing?? Me: Which way is the wind blowing?? Jeni: Well I don't know. How would I know that? Am I supposed to just go outside and feel it?? Hahaha What a city slicker.
We went on to eat at Ameca and then came back to the airport to get the dogs. We hung out for a bit and had a night cap with Cupcake. But the hard days work at the airport had worn us both out, so we headed to the house and were both in bed by 10. While Jeni thought the airport is a fascinating place, I just don't think I can hire her on full time. She doesn't like to get dirty, she seems to whine a lot, and she didn't budge when I tried to wake her up at 5 this morning!!!
All kidding aside, Jeni thanks for going out of your way to come visit me. It was nice to talk about girl stuff, catch up on all the gossip, and have a little piece of my "city life" in the country! You are the bombdotcom!!!
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