There's nothing like having a youngster around to make you feel really old... This morning Alex pulls up bumping some rap music that shook the walls of my office. I, on the other hand, listen to npr (national public radio) or 97.3 to get the local weather report on my way to work these days. Also, just a little bit ago he called me "ma'am"... Ouch. Do I really look like a "ma'am" to a 20-year-old kid??? Some farmers still call me "kid" for goodness sakes! ... Surely he was just minding his manners.
A little other background about Mr. Hanson that you might find interesting is that he's my sister's ex-boyfriend. Yes, Alex and Alexis dated for a little while but decided to go their separate ways when she began attending UofA at Fayetteville. Luckily, he was always very sweet to her and Matthew & I haven't had to beat him up... Yet. Lol
All kidding aside, Alex is an excellent worker. He works super hard and never complains. (He just emptied the trash without me even having to ask. Awesome!) He's definitely going to be an asset to AufderHeide Flying Service during the upcoming busy summer... And hey, maybe he'll even teach me a little bit about what all the cool kids are into these days!
your sister dated herself? awesomeeee lol