Meet our resident genius / comedic relief, Gerald Ray Whitcomb... or as we like to call him around here, G.W.
G.W. is a former high school science teacher and is currently head of the DeWitt Airport Commission. He usually gets to the airport about 7am each morning and walks in the door with a "Hello Troops"! He then proceeds to have a cup of coffee out of his favorite duck mug, participates in the morning banter, and then takes Kramer on their morning walk. He and Kramer (and sometimes Woodrow) walk every morning. Sometimes up and down the runway other times the entire perimeter of the airport grounds just to make sure everything is copacetic. Then he comes back, checks on "Puddle Jumper" (his recreational airplane) and sets his agenda for the day.
I mention that G.W. is a genius and well, he really is... You remember the Space Shuttle Challenger, that had the teacher Christa McAuliffe on board; the first member of the Teacher in Space Project? Well G.W. was runner up on that project... I guess first place isn't always best place.
G.W. also assists in most maintenance/fix 'er upper projects around the airport. (They are working on a small motor for the Hybrid in the picture above) I can find the most random minute mechanical part lying around the airport and he can tell me exactly what it goes to. He also usually tells me the significance of that part and why if functions the way it does.
Although G.W. is retired from teaching, he certainly still gives out a lesson or two every now and then.... About three weeks ago, Matthew asked me to start figuring up his chemical loads. This way Shawn could be mixing the chemicals while Matthew is on one job and will have everything ready to go for the new job on Matthew's return to the airport... Well I was having a hard time getting back into the swing of Airport math... Arithmetic (especially conversions) was never my strong suit and there wasn't a whole lot of converting ounces to pints or quarts to gallons when working for the Federal Government... Needless to say, I was a tad rusty until G.W. swooped in and taught me "Dimensional Analysis"! Wikipedia describes dimensional analysis as "a tool to find of check relations among physical quantities by using their own dimensions"... Well, I'm not exactly sure about all that, but it is a much easier way to figure out how man gallons of Command or Prowl we're going to use per load! I'm very thankful for his tutoring and I'm pretty sure Matthew is too!
I mentioned earlier that G.W. brought an entertainment value to the airport and he really does. He tells jokes. Yesterday it was: ("A boy was playing in the front yard, his father (a carpenter) was in the back shop, father hits hand with a hammer and screams, boy comes running and said "You called father?", oh and by the way this happened 2,000 years ago... His name you ask? Jesus Christ) Haha He quotes poetry. Some historical poetry and some that I'm pretty sure he just made up off the top of his head. He serenades us with song. The other day it was "The Way You Look Tonight" but usually it's just random choruses that I've never heard before... He probably makes a lot of them up as well. He's very creative. He tells short stories with morals that always seem to brighten up my day... Here is yesterday's:
"A little sparrow was flying south for the winter and got caught in a terribly cold sleet/freezing rain storm in the middle of the night. He is scared and fearing for the worst. Finally the bird finds his way into a barn and lands in some soft hay. He realizes that he is standing right underneath a cow as the dropplings fall on him. "Ehh, This isn't so bad" that little bird thought to himself, "at least I'm nice and warm now". The little bird then finds a bowl of food and he's so happy he rolls all about in the feed. He stuffs himself to the max and is just so tickled with his great discovery he begins to sing a happy little tune as loud as he can! Well that gay little ditty woke up the cat, which walk over and politely offers his services by helping pick the feed off of him and cleaning up the little fella. Well the bird ablidges and the cat begins to pick but within one fast swap of the paw and chomp the little bird was gone... Moral of the story you ask?? 3 Things: 1) Not everyone that ____ (craps) on you is your enemy. 2) Not everyone that picks ___ (it) off you is your friend. 3) Sometimes when you're satisfied with life, it's best to keep your mouth shut! (Ahhh, such wisdom!)
Great stuff! G.W. has been coming out to the airport for about three or four years now and makes an excellent addition to our team. We are very thankful for his wisdom, his hard work and his friendship! His sarcastic sense of humor fits in right along with the rest of us. I look forward to learning more jokes and stories and sharing them with you!
I've been beckoned to run to the parts store now, so as G.W. always says, "See you around the campus troops"!
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