So today, just like yesterday, has been a whirlwind! I left here at 9pm last night and got to work at 5:30 this morning! Lots of spraying and LOTS of fertilizing... Yesterday, Matthew broke his all-time personal record and put out 128,560 pounds of fertilizer!!! He worked so hard and I was very proud of him. (Lots of high fives were given) Also, if I may brag on myself, I did a pretty fabulous scheduling job. I think we probably only had like 10 minutes of down time the entire day!
I chose todays title because a) I like making fun of the moronic Sarah Palin ( I promise not to go into my political spiel... but come'on, she's pretty ridiculous) 2) Matthew is in "the zone" and kinda looks like a maverick today (He should probably invest in some sweet ray-bans) 3) Urban Dictionary defines "Mavericky" as: An adjective used to describe an action that may not make any sense, but is definitely different... Well, most of the time this blog does not make sense...
Today has just sort of been crazy, and here are the reasons I'm feeling "Mavericky".
1) I have called someone the wrong name multiple times today and finally got yelled at by said person and given the correct name. To Sonya at Almyra CPS, I apologize. In my defense, I'm half deaf and "Tonya" sounds very close to "Sonya" on the phone.
2) My deafness also came in to play when, even after two month, I still haven't figured out the guys name we order fuel from... It's either Bryan or Bryant and I can never understand what he calls himself... So I've just settled for asking the secretary if I can talk to "Bry-mumble-mumble"... Luckily, it's been working for me so far and nobody really seems to notice or care.
3) My morning routine was disrupted when I discovered I was out of organic milk. Luckily around 10 ( I had a growling belly) I discovered Bullocks keeps skim milk in the fridge and borrowed a cup. Thanks, guys!
4) I learned that if you put an egg in a bucket of water and it floats on it's side it's a "good egg". If it bobs and weaves around the bucket, it's probably a "bad egg". Who knew? I only thought rotten stinky eggs were bad eggs.
5) I've gotten a lesson about the Crips, the Bloods, and Job Corps in Little Rock.
6) I wrote an entire legal pad page full of notes to describe one single 25 acre field to my brother. (Seriously. By the shop, take a left, there's an old house, but he doesn't live in it anymore, go past the house, on the right, there's a trailer, past the trailer go east... etc, etc... ) HaHa Strategery at it's best!!!!
7) And the greatest reason I'm feeling all "mavericky" is one of good friends from Little Rock is coming to visit me! Jeni Bradberry lives in LR but is a teacher Sheridan, so after school she's going to drive to the booming metropolis of DeWitt, check out the hip & happenin' AufderHeide Flying Service, stay the night at mi madre's casa, and go back to Sheridan High bright and early tomorrow morning! What a fabulous friend! I'm very excited and I know she is eagerly waiting to learn about the wide world of urea, jet a , Newpath, mixing vats, ammonium sulfate, loader trucks and more! (oh my!) Jeni, if you're reading this please bring me a Diet Coke and a green apple or an ice cream snickers, whichever. kthanks.
Well, I better get back to it... Have a great day and if you happen to talk to the Big Man Upstairs, please ask him to hold off on the rain for a little bit! Thanks!
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