Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What's in a Name???

In Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare wrote, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet". Romeo and Juliet were star-crossed lovers; doomed from the start by two warring families. In this line Juliet tells Romeo that a name is an artificial and meaningless convention...

Well I can assure you, NOBODY around AufderHeide Flying smells like a rose (or anything close to it) but we do have lots of very different names. "Unique" nicknames if you will... Some meaningless and some they got for a very good reason! The following list are names of people that work or have worked at or around the airport or they may just be characters from a story involving the airport... Hope you enjoy!

Big Daddy
Blue (Papa's nickname for Matthew)
Diggity Dale
Brother Jon (Not an actual preacher, very far from it)
Geehad (spoke just like "islamic jihad", this was my papa's nickname for our old worker Jerome... He is full blooded country boy American... No clue where my papa got this)
Hop A' Long
Shawn John (Like P.Diddy's clothing line)
Little Sister
Cupcake (You've already had the pleasure of making his acquaintance)
Rickey Bobby (His brother was Rickey first work for us, his name real name is Bobby and he now works for Bullocks, hence "Rickey Bobby")
Booger Red
Butternut Jones ( Now I have no clue who Mr. Butternut was but he is included in several of my papa's stories, so I just couldn't leave him out)

I'm sure I would have some really great additions if my papa's was out here today, but unfortunately, this is all Matthew and I have come up with so far... If any of these have peaked your interest and you are considering naming a future child one of these "unique" names, I would highly recommend it! They are very catchy! (Umm, Ok, well maybe not Geehad...)

... Oh and why we're on names, have you ever wondered what "AufderHeide" means in German??? Well today is your lucky day. AufderHeide means "On the Field"... Just like crop dusters, on the field... Pretty cool, huh!

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