"If people were meant to pop out of bed, we'd all sleep in toasters"~ Author unknown... I don't exactly "pop" out of bed, but these days it's getting easier and easier for me to get up at 5... Today I only hit my snooze button only once! (I'm very proud of this new development)
One of my favorite things about waking up at 5am is the Arkansas County sunrise and this morning it was B-E-A-Utiful! Although my Blackberry camera phone doesn't quite do it justice, I just had to share.
Now that I've been out here for a few months Matthew, Shawn, and I have pretty much settled into our morning routine. Starting about 5:45 or 6 I burst through the doors with a cheery "Good morning boys!". Matthew usually rolls his eyes and says "Good morning sister" and Shawn, who is still waking up in his chair with his hoodie pulled over his head and sunglasses on, groggily says, "Good morning Katherine"... Camaraderie at its best!
Matthew has usually already made the well water coffee so we both pour a glass and go into the office to "talk about it". He eats mini muffins and I have a bowl of pumpkin seed & flax granola cereal with organic milk. (No I'm not some organic food nut, organic milk just last about two weeks longer than regular milk and nothing grosses me out more than old milk) We then go about planning our day. Shawn usually sits in the main room, drinking his sweet tea out of a milk jug, waiting on his tasks. Everyone then usually goes their separate ways...
Around 7am G.W. comes in, gives me a salute, and grabs his morning coffee out of his favorite duck mug. This morning he must have been in an especially good mood because he was full of song! I'm not exactly sure what he was singing but I'm pretty sure it's from an old John Wayne film and he said it was something about driving cattle in to a coral... Great stuff!
With summer quickly approaching and the sun rising earlier and earlier each day, these "report for duty at 5:45 days" will turn into will turn into "5:30's" and then "5's" before ya know it! Let's hope I can still keep cheery, sunny disposition at 5 am... and that there will be plenty of well water coffee!
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