Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Like a Carpenter Building Stairs

"I’m always thinking one step ahead, like a carpenter…building stairs"
~ Andy Bernard, from The Office

While I'm not exactly a carpenter... (It's actually a hobby of my boyfriends and he would tell you that I'm very far from it) I like to think that this quote fits perfectly in line with my work here at the flying service. My job here is to basically take the customers orders, whether that be a spray or fertilize job, plan when we will do the application, and then set everything up to make that possible. (Get chemical here, order/schedule fertilizer, orchestrate the timing of the whole shebang) While I do think in present tense, I also have to always be planning for the future. Sort of like taking a "futuristic" approach to everything... Minus the weird sci-fi/Back to the Future connotation that word usually carries.

Anywho, that's what my evening will consist of here at AufderHeide Flying Service. Matthew will probably be working until a hair after dark-thirty so I'll be in the office planning what all's on the agenda for tomorrow. And right now it's looking pretty crazy... You see, they are calling for a chance of rain on Thursday and every farmer and their momma wants to put their fertilizer out before a big rain. It's just how it's always been and how it always will be.

So I have a book full of fertilizer jobs and will be assorting the various cards (I keep track of all the jobs on white little cards) according to order called, what strip, how much, etc, etc. From there, I'll start plotting out my course of action in the most efficient way possible. But I'll always thinking one step ahead!... Just like a carpenter, building stairs!

*This post is dedicated to my friend, Lana Flowers... She is ALWAYS thinking one step ahead, planning everything and worrying what all can go wrong, and this is one of her favorite quotes!

1 comment:

  1. When I saw the title of this post I got reaallll excited! Thanks for the blog shout-out! hahaha
